This was done on cold press watercolor paper, starting with a coffee stain base (pretty weak coffee, by the looks of it). I then made the mistake of doing the line work first (rapidograph pen with brown rapidograph ink), with watercolor on top.

As you can see, the watercolor paint made a mockery of my lines. So if I try this again I'll need to lay down the color first, then the lines, but that's a pain in the ars. One other thing, the rapidograph nib did NOT like drawing on watercolor paper, ostensibly because of the rough terrain it had to maneuver over. I tried finding as smooth a press as possible, but no luck. If anyone out there has any suggestions for watercolor paper that marries well with technical pens, I'd love to hear it.
140 pound Arches Hot Press.
Works better than the rough tooth stuff.
Also, thanks again times a million. You're the man, Cannon.
How the hell did i know that thing was for Kriske? That kid needs to get his priorities straight.
Foiled again Sievert. The drawing was a gift, so you were right that I commissioned it, but not that it was for me.
Dammit, if this blog is going to become a hate-war between you two, I'm going to shut it down.
We'll play nice, honest Mr. Cannon, we will.
Please don't shut down the blog.
Think of the children!!
cool picture
i suggest smooth bristol papers that say good for prismacolor markers. it is harder to control the water color, but easier on the technical pens. i kind of like the effect you produced though...
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