Sunday, December 31, 2006
This Morning I Elfed Myself ...
Friday, December 29, 2006 Lives
Spread it around the internets, it's back. Yay!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I am in UR holidaz, wishing your cheerz.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Mooooreee Party Pics
...and fun!
Zander and Anna show support for Julie's freaky six fingered hand! *
Chris Jones and Melissa in a fake fight with no backstory.
Dave and Jen take advantage of the last nice weather (36 degrees) we'll have for a while.
Then at midnight, instead of going home, the most hearty sat around and sang Christmas carols and hair-metal.
Anna and Mary take to the piano, but where is our banjo player...
...face down in the coat pile with an enthusiastic "greetings and salutations" for photographers.
THANKS to everyone who came, we had a ton of fun.
* they were intoxicated, Julie's hand has a normal five fingers.
Tim's had one.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Photos from the BTA party.
BTA’s Christmas party last night was a delicious success. If I’d known Shad's wife was such a good cook, I’d have stolen her away from him a long time ago.
My camera didn’t see much action because I was a tad on the drunk side, but here are a few that I did manage to take:
Zander with his lovely family
Britt tolerating me
Kevin and Zander are getting ho-ho-hongry for some eats! Get it?
I don’t know what it’s called when you dump good food all over the table but I do know that it was FANTASTIC.
Seriously, it was probably the best shrimp I’ve ever had…
Lastly, here’s Tim mourning the death of a good crab
Hopefully, Shad will post more later because I’m pretty sure he took better photos than this. Anyway, thanks to Anna for making a fabulous dinner and letting us mess up your house!
Knute Escapes
Thursday, December 14, 2006
YAY Busy Time
Also, we're not looking for an Animator anymore...thanks! We still have an opening for an internship and in the next few months will probably be looking for another designer for PUNY.
A friend who does great interactive looking for an interactive designer. If you work on the web, there are a ton of jobs out there. What a great time huh!
Here are some recent photos:
WE FOUND A DRYING RACK. Thanks to Wes at Burlesque Design, basement printing just got a lot easier. What a beauty!
Even nerdy dudes can be dudes when it comes to the proper way to drill a big hole through a conference table.
Tim, Justin, and Julia in the PUNY site photo shoot.
Tim, Me, and City Pages Reporter Molly P at the MIMA Holiday Party in the new Guthrie.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Comic Book Christmas Idea (hint hint)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
More nostalgia
I found a couple photos of the old studios, I don't think I ever got one of Kevin's space. Click for slightly larger images....
Zander's space, the cover for The Replacement God #7 is up behind the this is probably pre-Top 10:
Vinny's space:
My space on far right, Adam Wirtzfeld middle, Gene Ha back left...I think...I can't remember who had their chair up on blocks...maybe Rob.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Pre-BTA comics
Lower Level Kiosk (5pgs)
Victorian Era Romance (4pgs)
PG 13!--Modern Mundane Classics: Tale of Pandemic (3pgs)
Friday, December 01, 2006
Over the next few months we'll be looking for:
JR. level 2-D Character and effects animators to create games and short animations in Flash. Flash experience is preferred but being a good animator is more important.
We have a spring animation internship available too.
If this sounds like something you're into...sends samples, a resume, whatever you've got to:
1618 Central Ave NE Suite #130
Minneapolis, MN 55413
No phone calls or emails.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Shad's Mom
Here she is making pasties for my Dad's birthday.
Mmmmmmm....pasties. Pronounced pass-ty.
Mom's sweet house that she's fixing up.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
288 Hour Comic Book Challenge: Chapter 2
Chapter Two of "Far Arden" is up online after a rough 24 hour period, from 3pm on Tuesday to 3 pm the next day (which gave me just enough time to catch up on sleep for today's Thanksgiving activities).
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Maxeem is Signing "Commune" at Big Brain Comics Tonight!
Fun fact: "Commune" is the most environmentally friendly graphic novel ever printed. So that's why you should buy it, even if you don't know how to read.
Here's Max signing at FallCon. Sadly, I'm guessing he won't be wearing the Action City hat at Big Brain tonight.
More about me
Look at me!
At Big Brain Comics the venerable Drivas is hosting me for my book signing party. Come on down tonight from 5 to 7 for crazy book-signing antics like signing my book and talking to people who are buying it.
While I'm at it, see if you can view my new website:
It now requires Flash.
Studio Tour
Here are a couple photos:
The big-screen debut of our demo reel.
Tight fit.
Zander describes the similarities between hand-drawn artwork and half-eaten burritos.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Elephant Bear
There's also a BRAND NEW story up, called "Elephant Bear."
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
More Saucy
Here is the completed menu board.
We set up shop in the old Steak Escape space, which felt post-apocalyptic, and after some cleaning and rearranging made a pretty decent food photography set up. Here Vinny is putting together some good looking burgers and chicken sandwiches.
Tim is tough on the talent. His drill seargent like approach intimidates most models but the ones that can take it move on to become super-stars.
We take a ton of pictures in hopes of getting a few good ones. It's a lot of trial and error. We don't have an army of food stylists with weird inedible materials, so we're not looking for perfection...delicious but real.
This design is a poster that's going to be hung up around the mall. The burger is sitting on a Steak Escape prep table and the red backdrop is an old Wisconsin Badgers blanket that was in the back of Brian's truck.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The statistically improbable dream
But that's just crazy, astrological hippie-talk so I asked Kevin what he thought.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Final Instant Runoff Voting Airing Schedule
11/6 -- FSNO -- "World Championship" (5:15 am)
11/6 -- CNBC -- "Squawk Box" (5:29 am)
11/6 -- CNN -- "American Morning" (6:49 am)
11/6 -- ESPN -- "Sportscenter" (7:06 am)
11/6 -- CNBC -- "Mad Money" (5:29 pm)
11/6 -- CNN -- "The Situation Room" (6:49 pm)
11/6 -- FSNO -- "The Sports ..." (7:45 pm)
* not actually in 3D.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Paper Doll.
Anna is the hottest, smartest, funnniest, creativiest...woman I know.
JoLynn made a second appearance as well, dressed in packing material, and had the misfortune of being a target for bubble-wrap poppers all night.
Some Sunday Morning Comics
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tim hurting himself
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Instant Runoff Voting Animation to Air During Wild, Gopher Games
Class of 3000 : Funkbox
This great project we did with Ham In The Fridge just launched. "Class of 3000" is a new Cartoon Network show featuring Andre 3000 of Outkast that aires this Friday. We've had a sneak peek and it has great and infectious music, fun character design, and really cool animation. They're also doing a lot cross-media projects...and they're doing it RIGHT.
"In Class of 3000, we have a show that is perfectly suited to a massive multimedia rollout, and that's exactly what we'll be doing," Jim Samples, evp and gm, Cartoon Network stated. "From exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the show to streaming full-length episodes, not to mention downloadable songs, ringtones and podcasts, we're making sure that Class of 3000 has compelling offerings on every available platform."
Big Time Attic was responsible for the art and animation in the project, our PUNY games partner Steve Killingbeck programmed a bunch of it and built the sound engine, Ham In The Fridge was in charge and did all the producing, project management concepting, and design, and Mark Greenberg was the master of sound. Go play it..I dare you to try to make a bad song.
Hopefully this blazes trails for more music shows..because we have one in our pitch packet :) Anyway, now that we can talk about Cartoon Network projects, we thought we'd give you a look at some of the production art that went into it.
Early pencil sketches. These were made before we could do anything else to get to know the characters and design their instruments that would be used in the game.
More pencils
The pencils were then scanned into the computer and inked/colored with Adobe Illustrator and Flash.
Here is a sequence of Kim's playing animation. Each character was given two instruments and a resting and playing animation cycle needed to be created for each. The programmers will then loop and speed up or slow down the cycles with code. It's important for us to get naming conventions and build templates for characters to make it easier for the programmers. The pieces in game animation has to be a lot cleaner and more precise than story animation.
Here's a complete cycle for Lil D. The backgrounds take so long to digitally paint (plus we were neck deep in other illustrations at this point) that the animations had to be done against a preliminary drawing. The backgrounds were almost the last things made everyone nervous.
Almost the last thing! The animation, design, and development was happening simultaneously over three suites here in Minneapolis, the music design was happening in Chicago, and Andre 3000 was down in Atlanta recording his vocal instruction track. The instructions are the final elements to a game, as gameplay may have changed at some point along the way. That means there was a lot of character animation and lip synching to do right before the gold deadline. Seth made an animatic and sent it over here for Julia to make a rough stick-figure gesture version of the instructions:
Once the gestures look good, the final animation is laid in...and then it's off to the developers to wrap up. You can compare the gesture animation to the final by:
Playing the game.