
Friday, November 21, 2008

Wired Reviews Stuff of Life

Wired's December issue has a great review of our upcoming graphic novel, The Stuff of Life.

Stuff will be in stores on December 23, but in the meantime you can read more at

Thanks, Wired!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome Back, Zander! (and other updates...)

Happy to say that Zander, Julie, and Jin have arrived safely back from Korea.

I hope he's rested, because he's returning to a BTA in the middle of a big deadline. And as the solo guy at the Attic the past week I have failed at my blogging duties. So here's a concise summary of things I should have blogged about recently but failed to:


Our good friend and Bone Sharps author Jim Ottaviani has a blog!

If you can't get enough science-inspired comics by Jim, you're in luck. Jim and Sean Bieri are collaborting on a serial called "Better Zombies Through Physics."


Britt Aamodt explains why all the kids are flocking to St. Paul to get their comics fix: Hot Ink.

Missed the opening party? The Minnesota Museum of American Art has a gallery of photos on their website.


This December 23 marks the release of Zander's and my second full-length graphic novel, The Stuff of Life. And even though the entire book is obsessed with sex*, Stuff has been nominated for a YALSA! You can read more here. Every year YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) compiles a list of the best graphic novels for teens. The final list will be announced this spring.

* Okay, by "sex" we mean "genetics and DNA" ... but it's still hot.


Fellow Grinnellian Eli Zigas and I recently won a spot in the Union of Concerned Scientists annual calendar -- we're April 2009! You can get your own copy here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Photos on Julie's Blog

Julie has put up some photos of our first meeting (on Friday) with our son, Jin. Check it out at

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Have you Printed Your 24 Hour Comics??

If you participated in the recent Minneapolis 24 Hour Comics Day event, here's a reminder:

Print up 50 copies of your comic

Bring your comics to Diamond's Coffee Shoppe at 6:30 and help collate.
We'll need help folding the boxes (thanks for buying the boxes, Steve!), and putting stickers on the boxes' face and spine. Once that's done we'll take everyone's comics and collate 'em.

Questions on all this? Jump here.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Heading to Korea!

This is not cartooning-related, but we just got the call this morning.  We're headed to Korea on Wednesday to pick up our little boy, Jin-Seo Park.  Thanks so much to everyone for their well-wishes over the last many, many months of waiting.  We're so thrilled, and we can't wait to finally be a family.

Zander & Julie