If you live near the Twin Cities and enjoy fun times, then you should definitely consider attending one or more of the MIX events this week. They are, in order:
"Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Film Fest"
St. Anthony Main Theatre, 6:30pm (doors open 6pm)
SE 115 Main St, Minneapolis
Yes, as the name implies, we will be screening Scott Pilgrim. But there's oh, so much more. At 6pm Big Brain will be selling comic-related merch, including the much sought after sixth Scott Pilgrim book. There will also be door prizes and a big raffle. ALSO, the first 30 people to show up get a free silkscreen poster inked by none other than BTA's Zander Cannon. Then at 6:30 we'll screen 18 minutes of the best animated shorts in town, featuring the animation of PUNY, Mitch Loidolt, Nick Bachman, and David & Mary Sandberg.
Book Signing: Dinski, Renier, Sally
Big Brain Comics, 6-8pm
1027 Washington Ave S, Minneapolis
Come to Big Brain from 6-8 for a triple book signing, featuring WILL DINSKI, AARON RENIER, and ZAK SALLY! ...
MIX Kick-Off Party!
501 Club, 8pm - midnight
501 Washington Ave S, Minneapolis
... Then head over to the 501 Club to party until midnight.
Mpls Indie Xpo (MIX)
The Soap Factory, 9am - 5pm
518 Southeast 2nd St, Minneapolis
The main event happens at The Soap Factory from 9-5. MIX is a FREE convention where you can meet, chat up, and buy things from the greatest indie comics creators in the world. You can even meet Brett Warnock, co-publisher of Top Shelf Productions, who is in Minneapolis for the FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE! Also, swing by the programming room at 2pm to see me mumble my way through an interview with The Daily Cross Hatch's Brian Heater. Should be fun!
MIX After-Party
Altered Esthetics Gallery
6pm - late
1224 Quincy St NE, Minneapolis
Finally, hit up the AFTER PARTY at Altered Esthetics. There you can watch a screening of Joanna Kohler's "Big Time Attic" film, hear Danno Klonowski's thoughts on art and life and what it all really means, and then tip back a few drinks. Should be a blast, I hope to see you there (whoever you are).