Hey cartoonists!
Minnesota's premier comics art show LUTEFISK SUSHI is back for its fifth season in 2012. While the opening reception is over fifteen months away, we need to decide on a featured artist ASAP! As in past years, the featured artist will design the sushi box, and will have a whole wall devoted to their artwork during the gallery show at Altered Esthetics in November, 2012. See websites of past shows here.
To nominate a cartoonist, please send the following info to nordeastcomics [at] gmail.com:
- The artist's name
- The artist's website (if there is one)
- The artist's email (so we can contact them to confirm if they want to run)
NOTE: Artists must reside in Minnesota or have some strong connection to the state.
NOTE: If an artist does not wish to be nominated, or does not respond to us before August 25, they will not be listed as a nominee.
August 15: Nominations open
August 25: Nominations close; Voting begins
September 1: Voting closes at noon; Winner is formally announced at 6pm at the Nordeast Comics Summit, and online.
As in past years, voting will take place on www.cartoonistconspiracy.com/conspire. So jump on that site between August 25 and September 1 to vote! Voters must register on the Cartoonist Conspiracy website (it's free). Voters may vote only once.
Past featured artists are Vincent Stall, Ken Avidor, Kevin Cannon, and Danno Klonowski.
Questions? Post them in the comments section below.