Zander is on vacation up in his family compound somewhere and we can't reach him to tell him:
1. That we got a really cool gig doing an interactive thing with J. Otto Seibold thanks to our interactive sugar daddy...Ham in the Fridge design. We're huge fans of this is an honor.
2. That we bought a really shiny box to help it (among other things) along. The processor power on the G4s here are lousy for all the vector stuff we've been doing lately, so we blew some money. I've been really proud of BTA's stingy-ness to this point. It's really easy for start-up firms to want to outfit themselves with the latest stuff, but we've been pragmatic and suffered through slow filter rendering and long opening times to keep our overhead low and pass the saving on
Zander, if you're reading this...this is what you have to come home can name it.