We'll have two locations this year, one at Cold Cut's Indy Island booth #1901 which is RIGHT NEXT to the entrance in Hall B2. We'll be sharing a table with our Writer/Publisher on Bone Sharps, Jim Ottaviani. We've been working with Jim for nearly a year on the book, so we're eager to spend some face time with him. (In fact, Kevin has never met him!)
Zander was offered an Artist's Alley table this year, which is too good to pass up, so you can find us rotating between the two tables. It's table GG-05 in Hall H. Zander will have a TON of original art.
Rotating to two different tables sound like a great idea until you map it out.
I worked it out to 1440', that's a little over 1/4 of a mile between the two! It's one heck of a scenic walk though, Storm Troopers, Klingons, Super Heroes, and Nerds!
The "Nerds" you speak of must be the guys at either end of that walk.
So, is there like a Burger King or a juice bar or something between those two booths?? Can you bring a scooter? I've never been to San Diego, I'm jealous. Also, can I buy some original art when I get to your house? Da Momma
No Burger King, but you can find $6 slices of pizza.
Kevin and I were already gawking...more later.
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