Happy birthday to Brett VonSchlosser. Congratulations! Con-grat-u-lations!
Everything is going pretty great here at the BTA, we got new mats so our chairs don't scratch the new floor, and some new paint so we feel a lot more important.
"[Wilson] walked to the top of Crater Hill with Shackleton almost daily to read the temperatures at the outlying meteorological station. It was during such walks that he sketched, under extremely difficult conditions, some of the phenomena of an Antarctic winter. Able to work in pencil for only a few minutes at a time, he would then warm his hands in his armpits until the pain of their re-warming had passed, then continue to sketch."
Fans of Bone Sharps will enjoy reading Wilson's biography, as the pre-Antarctic Wilson reads like a Cope/Knight hybrid. Like Cope, Wilson grew up keeping a detailed naturalist notebook, kept a studio littered with live and dead animals, and eventually died in the field. Like Knight, Wilson studied under taxidermists, spending much of his time in zoos. Indeed, Wilson's last great achievement was a sub-zero trek to collect Emperor Penguin eggs, which were thought to provide a link between dinosaurs and birds.
Wait, what? What is that you ask? How does Zander Cannon get around? Well, let's just say he has an 'alternate' method for getting to work....*wink*
Here is the alluring Buffett in modern cartoon form:
Fans of Buffett will no doubt remember his brief appearance in the second episode of Johnny Cavalier: